Black Friday and Cyber Monday are coming! Yay! It’s the perfect time to save money on your pets!

So many different items go on sale for pets at this time. And one of the best things is that you can find essentials, like food and treats on sale. Try finding a Black Friday sale at a grocery store for people. Luckily for pets we can find those kinds of sales both online and in store.

It’s easy to get caught up in all the excitement of the sales and go overboard with your shopping. You end up spending way more then you intended too and buying items you don’t really need.

You don’t want to end up mad at yourself and struggling to get your budget back in order after going over. Be prepared with these money saving tips for shopping on Black Friday/Cyber Monday for your pets.

Money Saving Black Friday Tips for Pets

  1. Make a list. When you are on a budget, you don’t just want to hit a sale with no plan. That could be dangerous. Make a list of some items you’d like to stock up on and if there’s room in the budget add a wish list item or two.
  2. Find the sales you want to hit. Start paying attention to the Black Friday sales that you see advertised in your email, on social media and in real life. Write down the good sales you want to check out.
  3. Make sure it’s really a sale. Yep. Not all Black Friday sales are really sales. Sellers will up their regular price so the discount they give seems like a great deal. Don’t jump right on a good deal. If it’s not something you buy regularly, compare with prices elsewhere to see if it’s as good a deal as it seems.
  4. Plan your attack. Map out your route for in person sales you’d like to attend, then schedule your time for hitting the online sales.
  5. Keep checking back. Some sites have deals that come and go throughout the Black Friday/Cyber Monday week. Check back if to see if an item you were interested in went on sale.
  6. Decide how many you want to buy. When there’s a real great deal, it can be a great idea to stock up but be careful. Stocking up by buying a number of non-perishable items like cat litter can be a great savings, but perishable items like food can lose its nutritional value if stored for too long so you’ll want to limit how many you buy.
  7. Be careful not to go crazy. It’s easy to get caught up in the adrenaline rush of a good deal but it’s not a good deal if it has you regretting the purchase because you spent money you didn’t have.

Black Friday/Cyber Monday is a great opportunity to save money for your pet budget as long as you plan and are careful.

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